Make our Sangha better!
The COCPB board and leadership wish to ensure that all members and attendees of our Center are having an illuminating and fulfilling experience with us, and we want to hear from you!
Whether you're a member and attend regularly, or you come once in a while, we welcome your input.
The information we receive is used to direct the focus of the Sangha and choose organizations to work with and donate to. Feedback is also utilized to plan events, retreats, and to address difficulties if they arise.
There would be no Sangha without YOU, and your input is most important to us!

Feedback and comments can be submitted via the following methods:
Reach out to a board member. We'd be delighted to speak with you in person if you'd like a simple conversation, lunch, or a meeting. If you are a member, you can find each board member's contact information on the membership page, or simply speak to us at practice.
Printed form. The printed feedback form is available at the Center or click here to download one for drop off or mailing.
We also welcome free-form feedback in person or via email or postal mail.