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Just Turn it Off

So much anger on Facebook this morning. I know, I know.....I listened to it as well last night and earlier had watched a video of Trump supporters talking about "when America stopped being great" and I to, understand the dangerous situation we are in with this potential presidency.

But do me a favor.

Out there is a field or a lawn or a bench in the park. Out there are trees, fields, wild grasses and bird song.

There are rivers and streams that sing the oldest song on earth. There are the rough valleys of tree bark you can run your fingers over. Ohio tomatoes ripen into the deepest red you've ever sank your teeth in. There's a great "beach read" for you to devour, just open the book and read the first page. There's a friend you haven't talked to in a while. Write them a letter if they are distant or have an impromptu coffee or summer movie date.

It's OK to disengage. It's OK to turn it off. You can come back to it, it will still be there in all it's frothing, rabid insanity. It doesn't need you to pay attention to it all the time.

For me, this morning is a quilt in the cool shade of the forest, overlooking the fields. This morning I'm choosing to turn it off.

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